🏚 Great Block w/ New Development All Around! 🔥 Assigned

  • $49,900
  • 3 beds
  • 2 baths

1420 N Collington Ave, Baltimore, MD 21213


This home could make a fantastic rehab or rental! 3/2 has a $190,000 ARV in an area with quickly rising values! Showing by lockbox.

  • 3 Beds / 2 Baths /1000+ sq ft

  • $190,000 ARV

  • $49,900 Purchase Price

Submit Offer

Always pull your own comps! In case you need a head start here are ours: https://matrix.brightmls.com/Matrix/Public/Portal.aspx?ID=26951368597


Geographic Information
County: Baltimore City, MD
Municipality: Unincorporated
High Sch Dist: Baltimore City Public Schools
Tax ID: 0308171500 005
Tax Map: 0008
Tax ID Alt: 08171500 005
Block: 1500
Tax Act Num: 171500 005
City Council Dist: 08
Lot: 005
Qual Code: Fair
Sub Section: 17
Sub District: 0
Legal Subdivision: Ward 8
Assessment & Tax Information


Tax Year: 2021
County Tax: $13
Municipal Tax: $270
Asmt As Of: 2021
Annual Tax: $283
Taxable Land Asmt: $3,000
Taxable Bldg Asmt: $9,000
State/County Tax: $13
Taxable Total Asmt: $12,000


Lot Characteristics



Zoning: R-8
Zoning Desc: General Residence District


Building Characteristics


Residential Design: 1 Story
Total Units: 1
Model: Rental Dw
Fireplace Total:
Bldg Condition: Fair
Full Baths: 1
Total Baths: 1.0
Exterior: Frame
Heat Delivery: Hot/Warm Air
Property Class Code: R
Year Built: 1914
Sec 1 Construction: Sec 1 Area: 80 Sec 1 Story Type: 1
Sec 1 Description: 1 Story No Basement Sec 1 Dimensions: Sec 1 Type:
Codes & Descriptions



Land Use: R Residential
County Legal Desc: 11-10X66
1420 N Collington Ave
Baltimore, MD 21213
Lot Size:
Assignment of Contract
Property Type:
Year Built:

Call 410-316-6197 for more details

Property Location

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