Testimonial 16

Josh: Hey guys, it's Josh. I'm here at the settlement office, and we just finished selling Sarah's brother's place that had been vacant over in [Dundalk 00:00:07] for a little bit. We've been working together for a year, or maybe two years now even, to get the place sold, and finally all the legal process…

Testimonial 15

Josh: Hey, there, it's me, Josh, and I'm here with my new friend, Gary. This was Gary's house over on Taylor Avenue. I just met Gary about three days ago when we walked in and it was a wreck. This is his childhood home and someone had actually been living here unlawfully, and a pipe…

Testimonial 14

Josh: Hey guys, it's me Josh, and I'm here with my new friend, Mike. I just bought his house down in the city and I wanted to give him a few minutes to talk about how I did, if I did everything I said I was going to do, if I was honest, and if…

Testimonial 13

Josh: Hey guys, it's me Josh, and I'm back here at the closing table with my new friend Kia. I just bought her mom's house, and I just wanted to give her a minute or two just to say what's on her heart and to see if I was honest and I did everything I…

Testimonial 12

Josh: Hey, guys, it's me, Josh, and I'm back at the closing table. I just bought my friend Ms. Amelia's house in Dundalk. And I just wanted to give her a few seconds to talk about our experience and how it went and see if she might recommend me. Amelia: Hi, everybody. It was a…

Testimonial 11

Josh: Hey guys, it's me Josh and I am back at the closing table on this Friday with my new friend Mr. Lou. I just bought his house over in Bel-Air Edison, and I just wanted to give him a few seconds to say what's on his mind, maybe on his heart, about how we…

Testimonial 10

Josh: Hey guys, it's Josh again, and I'm here with my new buddy Scott. I just bought his mom's house yesterday over in Telson, and I just wanted to give him a minute to say what's on his heart about how our transaction went, if I was honest, and maybe if he would recommend me,…

Testimonial 9

Josh: Hey there guys. What's going on? It's me, Josh and we are in my office, but we just settled on my new friend, Miss Donna's house and we actually just came to this agreement about three weeks ago and we just settled today. I just wanted to give her a few seconds to say…

Testimonial 8

Josh: Hey, it's me Josh again. I'm at the closing table and I just bought my friend Jack's house and I just wanted to get his recommendation. Jack: Yeah, Josh has done very good throughout this whole process, and we've made final settlement today and everything went without a hitch. I recommend him highly for…

Testimonial 7

Josh: Hey guys, it's me, Josh. And I'm back at the closing table again. Just bought my friend, Ms. Rosalyn's house over on West Saratoga. We're going to keep it as a rental for us. And I just wanted to give her a few seconds to talk about whether I did everything I said I…

Testimonial 6

Josh: Hey guys, this is Josh and I'm back at the closing table. I just bought another house over in Dundalk. These are my new friends, Jackie and Bob. I just wanted to give them a second or two to talk about how I did the transaction to see if I was an honest guy…

Testimonial 5

Josh: Hey guys, it's Josh and I'm back at the settlement table with my new friend, Nico. We just did a wholesale deal. He just bought it and I just wanted to give him a few seconds to talk about how we worked together and to make sure that I was honest guy and did…

Testimonial 4

Josh: Hey guys, this is Josh, and I'm back at the settlement table. This is my new friend, Dave, and I just bought his house over in the Hamilton area. I just wanted to give him a few seconds to talk about the transaction, if I did what I said I was going to do,…

Testimonial 3

Josh: Hey guys, it's Josh. I'm back at the closing table. Just bought a rental property in Baltimore with my new friend, Mr. Calvin here and I just wanted to give him a quick second to say what's on his mind about how we worked together in the transaction. How did I do? Mr. Calvin:…

Testimonial 2

Josh: Hey guys, it's Josh. I'm back at the closing table again. It's actually the last day of December here in 2018. So it's about to be the new year, but I just bought my last house for the year with my new friend, Yvonne. I just bought her house over in Essex. And I…
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